Poker is now said to be the fastest growing phenomenon in history, throughout the world. The worldwide poker boom began in the United States following the prestigious World Series of Poker in 2003 in Las Vegas, but as its popularity as America's playground grows exponentially each year, it's now a major draw for celebrities, too.
Like James Bond, a British super spy immortalized by Ian Flemming's novels now the latest actor to wear the mantle of 007, Daniel Craig!

Daniel Craig's first outing is also in the Bond film that has held the most anticipation of them all, and one that is heavily flavored with poker.
Unfortunately, he admitted that he can't even drive a suave spy's manual Aston Martin DB5, hates gun and can't play poker in an integral gambling scene in Casino Royale.

An insider told Britain's The Sun newspaper: "Daniel could not play cards - it was so funny. It is a critical part of the film, where Bond shows how cool a customer he is. But it was frustratingly ridiculous how long it took to teach the cast how to play or behave at a poker table. Everyone at the hotel has been laughing about a Bond who can't play cards.”

However, due Daniel Craig must learn to play poker for the gambling scene of the James Bond movie, Casino Royale. Craig enjoyed learning how to play poker so much, he's taken to poker in his spare time as well.

"We all had to learn the game and to look convincing playing it. And let's just say there were some extra-curricular sessions that went on off-set that were all down to the cast and crew.I think some were playing for their week's wages!" Daniel Craig said.

It's interesting to see how convincingly Daniel Craig manipulates cards according to what the actor said, while filming Casino Royale there are many extra gaming sessions where Daniel and his colleagues had a chance to practice their poker skills.
Daniel Craig has become a poker expert during the filming of gambling scenes in the James Bond movie Casino Royale.

In his following introduction to international audiences as Angelina Jolie's rival and love interest in Lara Croft: Tomb Raider in 2001, he honed his acting skills in the United States in Sam Mendes' movie Road to Perdition in 2002, with Tom Hanks and Paul Newman others are “Sylvia” in 2003 and Stephen Spielberg's “Munich” in 2005.

However, this talented actor received the most extensive media exposure thanks to his role as the handsome ans suave secret agent 007 in the recently released Bond flick, “Casino Royale.” and “Quantum of Solace”.

This time Bond is required to participate in a high stakes Texas Hold 'em poker game and must prevent an international terrorist from carrying out his evil schemes. To make his card play seem authentic, Craig had to practice his poker skills for many long hours. Although there was a huge controversy regarding Craig's casting as Bond, the film gained tremendous appreciation from Bond fans and critics alike.
Photo courtesy of http://danielcraigisbond.com/ | http://images.google.com | http://www.thecinemasource.com | http://timesonline.typepad.com