As I googled some infos for my blog update, I stumble upon at Bodog.com blog. There's a topic there that top 15 celebrities for you to hang out with at the casino, and one celebrity caught my attention is no other than Robert Pattinson.
Yes! Robert Pattison is one of the best celebrity that tops off for the celebrities people you should hang with at the casino and the poker table.

About Robert Pattinson: Robert Pattinson, born May 13, 1986, is an actor from London whose name has been dominating the news headlines these recent years. Robert also got involved in modeling, although his career was short-lived. In 2004, he took on a role on the TV series, Ring of the Nibelungs, and was given a role for Vanity Fair, although his scene there was cut.

It was only in the next ye, 2005, that he got his real break. Being cast as Cedric Diggory, the Hogwarts Heartthrob, turned him from a relative nobody to a big, huge, celebrity. All of a sudden, fan girls were screaming his name and fan sites were being made in his honor. Getting his first big break as Cedric Diggory in the ever popular Harry Potter Series in the year 2003, Pattinson has been a mainstay in the limelight ever since.

After his role as Edward in the movie Twilight last year, Robert has been blazing. He won the 2008 Best Actor Award at the Strasbourg for his astounding performance as the character Art in How to Be. He also received the 2008 New Hollywood Award, given by the Hollywood Film Festival Award Committee.
His role as Edward Cullen skyrocketed his career, and now Robert Pattinson is snagging roles left and right.

According to a report, the “Twilight” actor is up for the role of Britain’s Prince Harry in a future film about the highs and lows of the young price’s royal experiences. The role is reportedly still in talks and, word has it, Pattinson is up against “Harry Potter” star Rupert Grint, who is also being considered for the part of Prince Harry.
The movie is set to begin filming next year in both the UK and the Middle East and will include Harry’s trials and tribulations, such as the death of his mother Princess Diana, and his time spent on the front line of the Army in Afghanistan.