As always, celebrities are experts in getting the attention of almost everybody. People find them entertaining no matter what they are doing. Watching them play poker is indeed a very entertaining experience. There is no better way to give money than to give it while enjoying as well. Playing poker offers them the opportunity to help while having fun at the same time.

Nicole Scherzinger and her other girl group pussy cat dolls also play poker! As I googled their sites, I stumble upon their poker island escapade where they play poker against a professional poker player for the first time. Here's some clip of their interview:
Speaker: The Pussycat Dolls don’t avoid water like other cats. More the opposite, on the yacht they showed how much they love water. Normally you would think that a day on a yacht with a lot of sun and water would be perfect, but when they arrived on Poker Island, the front kitten Nicole Scherzinger was speechless.
Nicole: We really didn’t knew what to expect from Ibiza, but we never thought we would see something like this. I never would imagine something like that.

Speaker: Nicole never played poker before. After a short entry they were supposed to play, against some real poker players from Poker Island. Thank good you can dope yourself in this kind of sport (they meant the alcohol ). Then Nicole says the cheers thing, you can hear it coz they didn’t put the voice over, over her voice.
Speaker: And wow, we don’t know if it was because of our camera or maybe they just had luck, they had some really great cards in the game.
Nicole: I just had pair two aces and two six’ , but Jess was better, she beat me, she had a full house. And no this has nothing in to do with the fact that she is sleeping with Bob Segatt.

Speaker: And as long as the game is, as harder they fight and the kittens have to search for some new tricks.
Kimberly: You have to know the game and you need the right Poker Face. In this game you just have to act like you have the best cards in the world and I am pretty good at it…at least for a beginner.
Speaker: No not that good, because more and more players went out, at the end just Nicole and one of the real players are in the game. And then it happens. (she hits the glass)

Player: Now you must leave the Table.
Nicole: Awww…but I am sorry, really! Damn…you don’t want to lose a poker game like this…! I am not a real player, or at least just when I am on stage and perform my songs Speaker: How this looks in Ibiza we show you on Monday in the VIP Lounge and tomorrow we go with the Pussycat Dolls to a hot Shooting.

About Nicole Scherzinger: She's a Hawaiian, Filipina and Russian descent, and comes from a large family of entertainers -- her mother, Rosemary, was a professional hula dancer and her grandmother was a respected Mariachi singer. As a teenager, she was the first runner-up at the 1996 Kentucky State Fair's Coca-Cola Talent Classic contest, and she appeared in several plays at Louisville's Actors Theater.

In 2000, she was chosen as a popstar group Eden's Crush. In 2003, a friend told Nicole about a casting call for a new group called the Pussycat Dolls and even though she missed the auditions, she was allowed to drop by and perform for the executives in charge.

They were so impressed with Nicole Scherzinger's stage presence and vocals that they opened discussions with her immediately about joining the group as lead singer, and soon reached an agreement.